USD Exchange Rates
Period: August 2023 to September 2024
Currency September 2024 August 2024 July 2024 June 2024 May 2024 April 2024 March 2024 February 2024 January 2024 December 2023 November 2023 October 2023 September 2023 August 2023
AUD 1.4723 1.5291 1.4973 1.5055 1.5247 1.5328 1.5399 1.5196 1.4576 1.5102 1.5692 1.5597 1.5395 1.4995
BWP 13.2979 13.6054 13.6147 13.6612 13.6893 13.7080 13.7646 13.6519 13.4138 13.4862 13.6426 13.7457 13.4499 13.0548
CAD 1.3476 1.3847 1.3684 1.3670 1.3651 1.3533 1.3567 1.3429 1.3187 1.3589 1.3829 1.3498 1.3531 1.3235
CHF 0.8485 0.8860 0.8986 0.9038 0.9107 0.9007 0.8801 0.8633 0.8364 0.8750 0.9018 0.9166 0.8768 0.8677
CNH 7.1106 7.2485 7.2661 7.2450 7.2466 7.2275 7.1988 7.1771 7.1059 7.1242 7.3181 7.3040 7.2920 7.1640
CNY 7.1106 7.2485 7.2661 7.2450 7.2466 7.2275 7.1988 7.1771 7.1059 7.1242 7.3181 7.3040 7.2920 7.1640
DKK 6.7375 6.9057 6.9582 6.8800 6.9614 6.9065 6.8795 6.8787 6.7118 6.7936 7.0283 7.0603 6.8198 6.7529
EUR 0.9033 0.9255 0.9331 0.9224 0.9335 0.9259 0.9230 0.9228 0.9005 0.9112 0.9417 0.9467 0.9150 0.9062
GBP 0.7601 0.7795 0.7911 0.7850 0.7969 0.7916 0.7903 0.7895 0.7831 0.7876 0.8227 0.8198 0.7857 0.7774
ILS 3.6597 3.7487 3.7672 3.7052 3.7592 3.6637 3.5926 3.6615 3.6254 3.6839 4.0406 3.8424 3.7822 3.7031
JPY 145.3850 154.6100 160.8600 156.5950 156.6900 151.3450 150.8150 147.8450 140.8950 147.3950 149.0150 149.3950 145.8450 140.3100
NDF 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000
NOK 10.5106 10.9695 10.6475 10.5258 10.9969 10.8486 10.5824 10.4743 10.1410 10.6652 11.1446 10.7413 10.5623 10.1690
NZD 1.5985 1.6952 1.6411 1.6328 1.6752 1.6718 1.6424 1.6352 1.5730 1.6243 1.7138 1.6787 1.6727 1.6210
RUB 91.8500 86.4500 86.2500 90.0250 93.5000 92.5750 91.4000 89.8000 89.5000 88.7000 92.9750 97.1300 96.1000 92.2513
SEK 10.2473 10.7918 10.5902 10.5941 10.9298 10.6926 10.3508 10.4436 9.9501 10.3554 11.1411 10.9507 10.8176 10.5061
SGD 1.3036 1.3446 1.3553 1.3495 1.3603 1.3496 1.3466 1.3409 1.3166 1.3325 1.3637 1.3666 1.3497 1.3315
THB 33.9375 35.9900 36.6975 36.8050 37.0300 36.4875 36.0525 35.3700 34.1325 34.8175 35.9575 36.7450 35.0925 34.0825
UAH 41.1450 41.0500 40.5500 40.6500 39.6000 39.2500 38.2000 37.7500 37.9500 36.3750 36.4000 36.9342 36.9365 36.9125
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These are the USD exchange rates we have used in converting any non USD base currency volume amounts traded in the month into USD volumes for reporting and billing purposes. We source the rates as the mid-point London closing rates on the last business day of the previous calendar month.